Master Information

This chapter contains the following topics:

Introduction to Master Information

Categories and Sub-categories


Item Sequence

Status Codes

Coverage Types

Warranty Programs


Introduction to Master Information

Master information includes functions that allow you to further define your Inventory Control system. Some of these selections are explained in their own chapters; we cover the remaining Master information functions in this chapter.

Master information functions that are explained in their own chapters include Control Information, Price Codes, Inventory Accounts, Commission Codes, and Warehouses. These selections are not covered again in this chapter.

Master information functions that are explained in this chapter include Categories, Sub-categories, Units, Item sequence, Status codes, Coverage types, and Warranty programs. The menu selections are seen below:

Categories and Sub-categories

Inventory Control allows you to associate each item with a category and/or sub-category.

You can enter Categories and Sub-categories as criteria for your reports.

If you have a category called Tools, you can specify to only have items that have a category of Tools to print on the report.

Item G/L Accounts

Categories enable you to enter the Inventory, Sales, Expense and Credit Memo General Ledger account numbers in Items.

When you enter a category into the item, once you get to the Vendor/Accounting tab (last screen of entry in Character mode), these accounts will automatically be defaulted to the chosen category. You can change them at that time. If you are not assigning cost centers/(sub account) to items, per I/C Control information, the cost center/(sub account) is still being pulled in from the Category entered on the item. However the item cost center/(sub accounts) are not used. If you change Control information to assign cost centers/(sub accounts) per item, then you should review the sub accounts entered for items.

Entering Categories

To enter categories, follow these steps:


Categories from the Master information menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can work with both new and existing category codes. Enter the information as follows:

*1. Category


Enter the category code, or use one of the options:


For the next category


For the previous category


Up to five characters


Type Tools

2. Description

Enter the category description.


Up to 25 characters


Type Power Tools

3. Inventory acct #

Enter the inventory account number or press <F2> for the default inventory account defined in Control information.


Your standard account number format as defined in Company information


Press <F2>

4. Sales acct #

Enter the sales account number associated with this category.


Your standard account number format as defined in Company information


Enter account 4010-100

5. Expense acct #

Enter the expense account number associated with this category.


Your standard account number format as defined in Company information


Enter account 5020-100

6. Cr-memo acct #

Enter the credit memo account number associated with this category.


Your standard account number format as defined in Company information


Enter account 5080-100


Sub-categories are associated with a category. You can define multiple sub-categories against one category.


Sub-categories from the Master information menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can work with both new and existing sub-category codes. Enter the information as follows:

*1. Category


Enter the category code, or use one of the options:


For the next sub-category


For the previous sub-category


For the next category


For the previous category


Up to five characters


Type Tools

2. Sub category


Enter the sub-category code, or use one of the options:


For the next sub-category


For the previous sub-category


Up to five characters


Type Elec

3. Description

Enter the sub-category description.


Up to 25 characters


Type Electric Power Tools

Both categories and sub-categories must be entered here before they can be used in items.

Printing Category Lists

You may print a list of Categories, and may include or exclude Sub-categories on the report.


Categories from the Master info menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can define the range of categories that you wish to print, and you can include or exclude sub-categories.

1. Print sub-categories?

Enter Y if you wish to have sub-categories print on the report; otherwise enter N.

2. and 3. Starting and Ending category

Enter the range of categories you want to include on the report.

4. and 5. Starting and Ending sub-category

Enter the range of sub-categories you want to include on the report.

You may modify your selection criteria from Field number to change ?, or press <Enter> to print the report.


Units refer to units of measure.

All units of measure that will be used for an item, must be defined under Units first. If the unit is not defined, you can not use it.

Units for stocking, pricing, weight, depth, height and width must be defined before you can use them in items.

Entering Units

To enter units, follow these steps


Units from the Master information menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can work with both new and existing Units. Enter the information as follows:

*1. Unit


Enter the unit code, or use one of the options:


For the next unit


For the previous unit


Up to four characters


Type Case

2. Description

Enter the unit description.


Up to 10 characters


Type Case/24

Printing Unit Lists

You may print a list of Units.


Units from the Reports, Master info menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can define the range of units that you wish to print.

Item Sequence

Item sequence numbers allow auto item numeric number sequencing for new items.

This is helpful if you have certain groups or types of items that follow a specific numbering scheme.

You access item sequence numbers when you are in Items Enter by pressing the <F5> key.

Every time you use an item sequence number, the number will automatically be incremented by one.

Entering Item Sequence Numbers

To enter item sequence numbers, follow these steps:


Item sequence from the Master information menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can work with both new and existing Item Sequence Numbers. Enter the information as follows:

*1. Item seq.


Enter the item sequence number, or use one of the options:


For the next item sequence number


For the previous item sequence number


Up to 15 characters


Type 195000

2. Description

Enter the item sequence number description.


Up to 25 characters


Type Laptop Computer

Printing Item Sequence Number Lists

You may print a list of your Item Sequence Numbers.


Item sequence from the Reports, Master info menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can define the range of item sequence numbers that you wish to print.

Status Codes

When you enter in your inventory items, you will be asked to enter in Status.

All status codes are user defined and can be anything you like. Examples of Status codes are Active and Inactive.

Status is a mandatory field when entering items.

Status can be used as selection criteria when printing most of the inventory reports.

These must be defined in Status codes before you can enter them in items.

Status codes are single characters, with an associated description.

This Status code is not the same as status records, which maintains your items warehouse information.

Entering Status Codes

To enter status codes, follow these steps:


Status codes from the Master information menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can work with both new and existing status codes. Enter the information as follows:

*1. Status


Enter the status code, or use one of the options:


For the next status


For the previous status


One character


Type A

2. Description

Enter the Status description.


Up to 25 characters


Type Active item

Printing Status Code Lists

You may print a list of your Status codes.


Status codes from the Reports, Master info menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can define the range of status codes that you wish to print.

Coverage Types

Coverage is something you get when you purchase a warranty, or get a warranty with the purchase of a product. You get a certain type of coverage, for a certain length of time.

In Coverage Types, we define the different coverages that will be available under our warranty programs. In an example, extended coverage would cover everything.

There are four pre-defined coverage categories and one user defined coverage category (this is defined in Control Information).

Refund (user defined coverage category from Control information)

Once all of your coverage types are defined, they can then be used under the Warranty Programs.

Define the coverage code and provide a description.

Then you can flag which coverage code is applicable to this coverage type.


You should always define a coverage type that covers nothing. We will discuss why when we cover warranty programs.

Entering Coverage Types

To enter a coverage type, follow these steps:


Coverage types from the Master information menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can work with both new and existing coverage types. Enter the information as follows:

*1. Code


Enter the coverage code, or use one of the options:


For the next coverage


For the previous coverage


six characters


Type Extend

2. Description

Enter the Coverage description.


Two lines of 25 characters each


Type Extended coverage

Printing Coverage Lists

You may print a list of your Coverages.


Coverage types from the Reports, Master info menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can define the range of Coverages that you wish to print.

Warranty Programs

Warranty programs are applicable for serialized and warranty items only.

A warranty is a promise to the customer in the event something goes wrong with their product. Warranties can and will vary, depending on the product purchased and which warranty you associate with the product.

Define the warranty and provide a description. You can select up to 5 coverage types per warranty.

Entering Warranty Programs

To enter warranty programs, follow these steps:


Warranty programs from the Master information menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can work with both new and existing Warranty programs. Enter the information as follows:

1. Warranty program code


Enter the Warranty program code, or use one of the options:


For the next Warranty program


For the previous Warranty program


six characters


Type Extend

2. Description

Enter the Warranty program description.


Two lines of 25 characters each


Type Extended warranty

3. through 7.

Field #3 through #7 ask what the start date, or continued date of the coverage is. When does it start, how long is this coverage for, what is the coverage (this coverage must be on file under coverages) and if it is warranted by the manufacturer or not.

You should always have a coverage type of none. If you do not have 5 coverages for a warranty, and the last coverage you enter does not go into the future (forever), then you will need a coverage type of none. You should also always have a warranty program of none, because serialized and warranted items require a warranty be associated with each. Also, there may not be an actual warranty for the item.


You could have extended coverage for 30 days, then up to 90 days have parts coverage only and after that, no coverage at all. So in this case, we would use the Extend coverage for the first 30 days, the Parts coverage for the next 60 days and the None coverage for the future.

The warranty flag denotes whether or not this warranty is covered by the manufacturer or yourself.


The first entry will always be Warranty start date. The values for the remaining lines are automatically created. It is the combination of the Until and Unit of the previous line plus one day.


Enter the number of Days, Weeks, Months, or Years the coverage type will be in effect. In order to end a warranty program a coverage type that has no coverage categories associated with it must be entered for an Indefinite future.


3 digits


Type 90

(Unit of time)

Enter the unit of either Days, Weeks, Months, or Years the coverage type will be in effect.


1 character, either D, W, M or Y


Type D

Use coverage type

Enter the coverage type code to include in the warranty program.


6 character


Type Extend


Type Y if this coverage is provided by the manufacturer of the item. Otherwise, type N.


1 character, either Y or N


Type N

Field number to change ?

Make any changes or select Enter to save the record.

Printing Warranty Programs

You may print a list of your Warranty programs.


Warranty programs from the Reports, Master info menu.

The following screen displays:

From this screen you can define the range of Warranty programs that you wish to print.