Purchasing Advice

This chapter contains the following topics:

Introduction to Purchasing Advice

Selecting Purchasing Advice


Introduction to Purchasing Advice

Use this selection to print the Purchasing Advice report.

This report lists the inventory items that have dropped below the reorder level or have gone out of stock since the last time this report was printed. It also shows items that are still below reorder level or out of stock after receivings have been posted.

If you entered an inventory reorder basis of Net quantity in Control information, the net quantity of an item is used to determine if the item is below reorder level or out of stock. Net quantity is calculated as follows:

Quantity on-hand
Quantity committed
Quantity on back order (if using O/E or P/S)
Quantity on work orders (if using kits)
Quantity on order (if using P/O)

If you instead entered an inventory reorder basis of Quantity on-hand, only the quantity on-hand of an item is used for calculation.

If you are using Purchase Order, you should use the Purchasing advice report in that module rather than this one.

Selecting Purchasing Advice


Purchasing advice from the Reports menu.

The following screen displays:

Enter the information as follows:

1. Warehouse


If you are using multi-warehousing, enter the warehouse code for the items to be included on the report, or use one of the options:


For the Central warehouse


For All warehouses


If you are not using multi-warehousing, you will not see the Warehouse field and all field numbers will be one less than the numbers shown.

2. Starting item # and

3. Ending item #

The values entered here need not be valid items, since their purpose is to define a range; but at least one item within the range must previously have been defined in the Items selection.

Enter the range of item numbers to include on the report. Follow the screen instructions.


Up to 15 digits


Press <F2> at each field for First and Last.

4. Group by inv acct ?

If you answer N the inventory account will not affect the sequence of the report. If you answer Y, then depending on your answer to the next field you will either:

Group the items by inventory account on the report. If you are printing All multiple warehouses on this report, the major grouping will be by inventory account, and the warehouses and items (or items and warehouses) will be shown within each inventory account.
Restrict the report to those items with a single specified inventory account.


One letter, either Y or N, there is no default


Type:N and then press <Enter>.

Answer Y to print the items in order by inventory account number.

Answer N to print the items in item number order. If you answer N, the next field displays (Not Applicable).

5. Inventory account #


Enter the inventory account for the items to be printed, or use one of the options:


For the next inventory account


For the previous inventory account


For the default inventory account


For All inventory accounts. Items will print grouped by inventory account


Enter as defined in Company information.


This field is not applicable because N was selected in the previous field.

6. Vendor #

The report can be restricted to items from a particular vendor.


Enter a vendor number, or use one of the options:


To include All items whether or not they have a vendor number


To include only those items which do not have a vendor number


Up to six digits


Press <F5> for all vendors.

7. Product category

The report can be restricted to items in a particular category.


Enter a product category, or use one of the options:


To include All items whether or not they have a category


To include only those items which do not have a category


Up to five characters


Press <F5> for all categories.

8. Product sub-category

If you entered blank in the previous field, this field also displays as blank and may not be changed.

The report can be restricted to items in a particular sub-category.


Enter a product sub-category, or use one of the options:


To include All items whether or not they have a sub-category


To include only those items which do not have a sub-category


Up to five characters


Press <F5> for all sub-categories.

9. Print vendor info ?

Answer Y to print vendor information (vendor product #, minimum order quantity, and lead time) on the report.


One letter, either Y or N. The default is N.


Press <Enter> to accept the default.

10. Print items which have no Qty on hand ?

Answer Y to print items which have no Qty on-hand on the report.


One letter, either Y or N. The default is N.


Press <Enter> to accept the default.

If you have chosen to print the report (as opposed to merely viewing it on the screen), then once the report has printed a data entry screen displays. You are asked:

Skip these items on later purchasing advices until they hit reorder or out-of-stock again ?

If you answer N

The next time that you print the report, items which were on the previous report and have not since been restocked will be repeated on the new report. This allows you to discard an old report as soon as you print a new one.

If you answer Y

Items that have not been restocked will not be repeated on the next report. The assumption is that you continue to reference the old reports until all problems have been corrected.

This feature saves printing time and paper bulk, but requires continual reference to multiple reports.

If an item has been restocked and has again fallen below the reorder level (or if the receiving was inadequate to bring it up to the reorder level in the first place), it will appear on the next report.
If you use multi-warehousing, your response to this question affects only those future reports printed for the same warehouse selection (counting All as a distinct warehouse selection). Thus successive reports for the same warehouse are consistent. This has one rather odd consequence: If you print a report for Warehouse 1 and a report for All warehouses at the same time, a given item in Warehouse 1 may appear on one report but not the other. It depends on the previous history of both reports.
If you subsequently decide that you do want to see all out-of-stock items after all (perhaps because you have mislaid earlier generations of your report), you can obtain this information from the Valuation Report. Refer to the chapter of that name in this manual.

If you are using multi-warehousing, your answer applies only to the specific warehouse you selected (or All if that was your selection), and does not affect reporting for other warehouses.


If item 1 appears on a report for All warehouses, and is specified not to print on later reports, it will not appear on subsequent reports for All warehouses. However, item 1 would appear on a report for any specific warehouse such as AA, until it was specified not to print for that specific warehouse.

Whether you answer Y or N, you are returned to the previous menu.


One letter, either Y or N. There is no default.


Type:Y, then press <Enter>

When items have been specified not to print on later reports, you may still want to see all items out of stock or at reorder level even those specified not to show up. To obtain this information, you can print the Stock Status Report.