Stock Status Report

This chapter contains the following topic:

Selecting Stock Status Reports


Selecting Stock Status Reports

The Stock Status Report selection enables you to print reports showing the current stock status of your inventory items, including the current value of the items.


Stock status from the Reports menu.

The following screen displays:

Enter the information as follows:



If you are using multi-warehousing, enter the warehouse code for which you want the report printed, or use one of the options:


For the Central warehouse


For "All" warehouses


Two characters


Press <F5> for "All" warehouses.


If you are not using multi-warehousing, you will not see the Warehouse field and all field numbers will be one less than the numbers shown.

2. Starting item # and

3. Ending item #

Enter the range of item numbers to include on the report. Follow the screen instructions.


Up to 15 digits


Press <F2> for "First" and "Last" item numbers.

4. Group by inv acct?

Answer Y to either restrict the report to a single inventory account, or to group items by inventory account. (Your entry in the next field will determine by which grouping.)

Answer N to print the items in item number order. If you answer N, the next field displays (Not applicable).


One letter, either Y or N there is no default


Type N then press <Enter>.

5. Inventory account #

If you answered N in the previous field, this field is not applicable.


Enter the inventory account for which to print the report, or use one of the options:


For the next inventory account


For the previous inventory account


For the default inventory account as defined in Control information.


For "All" inventory accounts. Items will print grouped by inventory account.

6. Vendor #

Enter the vendor number for the items to be printed or press <F5> to include All items regardless of whether they have a vendor number or what the number is.


Up to six digits


Press <F5> for "All" vendors.

7. Product category

Enter the category to print the report for only one product category.


To include "All" items.


To include only those items which do not have a category.


Up to five characters


Press <F5> for "All" categories.

8. Product sub-category

If you entered blank in the previous field, this field also displays as blank and may not be changed.


Enter the product sub-category for the items to be printed, or use one of the options:


To include "All" items regardless of whether they have a sub-category or what the sub-category is


To include only those items which do not have a sub-category.


Up to five characters


Press <F5> for "All" sub-category.

9. Report format

Enter F to print a full format report, or enter B for a brief format.

Full Format

The Full format shows, for each item, quantity on-hand, quantity committed, reorder level, maximum quantity, back order code. and the value of the on-hand inventory (cost x quantity on-hand). If you are using Purchase Order, it also shows quantity on order. It shows Net qty if you selected that as the inventory reorder basis in Control information.

Brief Format

The Brief format prints only one line per item and shows quantity on-hand, reorder level, and the value of the on-hand inventory. It also shows Net qty.

If applicable, an item's stock status is indicated on the report as O for out of stock, or R for at or below reorder level. An item's status is based on the inventory reorder basis (either Net quantity or Quantity on-hand that was specified in Control information.

The Net qty is calculated as the quantity on-hand - quantity committed - quantity on back order (if you are using A/R with back order control) + quantity on work orders (if you are using kits) + quantity on order (if you are using A/R)


Use one of the following:


For full format report


For brief format report


One letter from the table above


Type F then press <Enter>.

10. Include items with on hand qtys which areā€¦

Items can be selected for printing based on their on-hand quantity.

Enter N to include only items with non-zero quantity on-hand, B for only items that are below the reorder level, or O for only items that are out of stock.


You can use the following options:


For non-zero quantity on-hand


For items that are below the reorder level


Only for items that are out of stock


For "All"


One letter from the table above


Press <F5> and then press <Enter> for "All" items.

11. Print costs ?

Enter Y if you want to have printed the prices of items on report that will be printed out, or send to disk.


One letter, either Y or N. The default is Y.


Press <Enter> to accept the default.