Price Lists

This chapter contains the following topics:

Introduction to Price Lists

Printing Item Price Lists

Printing Warehouse Price Lists

Printing Sale Price Lists

Printing Contract Price Lists

Printing Actual Customer Price Lists


Introduction to Price Lists

Inventory control provides for several types of prices, including item default prices, warehouse-specific prices, sale prices, and contract prices. Refer to the Prices chapter for a detailed discussion of each type of price.

Use the Price list selection to print price lists. Five different types of price lists are available:

Item price list

This price list shows price-1, price-2, price-3, price-4, and price-5 for a range of items and, optionally, sale prices and warehouse-specific prices.

Warehouse price list

This price list shows only item prices that are defined for a specific warehouse.

Sale price list

This price list shows sale prices (or discounts) for items and/or categories of items that are in effect for a specified period. You may optionally include warehouse-specific sale prices.

Contract price list

This price list shows contract prices (or contract discounts) that are defined for customers and specific items or categories of items that are in effect for a specified period.

Actual customer price list

This price list shows, for a specific customer or customer type, the actual prices charged. Sale prices and warehouse-specific prices may optionally be shown.

The warehouse price list and warehouse-specific prices are available only if you specified that you are using multi-warehouse pricing (in I/C Control information).

Selecting Price Lists


Price list from the Prices menu.

Graphical Mode

Character Mode

The following screen displays:

Enter the information as follows:

Price list type

Enter the type of price list to be printed, as follows:

Item prices

Warehouse prices

Sale prices

Contract prices

Actual customer prices

The fields that can be entered on the screen depend on the price list type selected here. Each of the types will be shown in turn.


This field can only be entered if you are using multi-warehouse pricing and you did not select Contract pricing in the Price list type field.

Enter the warehouse code to print item prices for a specific warehouse.


You may use one of the following options:


For the Central warehouse


For the Item (item default) prices

If you enter a specific warehouse, prices that are defined for that warehouse (using Item prices) are printed for applicable items. If a warehouse-specific price does not exist for an item, the Item price is shown.

If you enter a specific warehouse, and are also printing sale prices, sale prices defined for that warehouse are shown as well.

If you specify Item default prices, the Item prices are printed for each item. If you are also printing sale prices, only sale prices that do not pertain to a specific warehouse are shown.

If you selected to print sale prices on the list, they print only if they are active (in the I/C Control information).

Printing Item Price Lists


Item prices for Price list type.

Graphical Mode

The fields to enter the item price list options are now available:

Character Mode

The following screen as below:

Enter the following information:

Starting item number and

Ending item number

Enter the range of item numbers to include on the list or press <F2> at each field for "First" and "Last" item numbers.


Enter the vendor number to print items for only one vendor, press <F5> for "All" vendors.

Product category

Enter the category to print items for only one category, or press <F5> to include items for All categories.

Product sub-category

Enter the sub-categories to print items for only one sub-category, or press <F5> to include items for "All" sub-categories.

Print in order by

Specify the order in which to print the list.

Item number

To print in order by item number


By description


By category

If you enter by category, field the Page break by category field can be entered.

Page break on category

This field can only be entered if you selected Category on the previous field.

Check this box if you want to start each category on a new page.

Suppress blank lines

Check this box to eliminate blank lines between items on the list. Leave it unchecked if you wish to skip one line prior to printing each item.

Show sale prices

Select Yes to show sale prices and effective dates, in addition to other prices for the items. Sale prices for items and categories within the ranges specified will be shown.


You may use one of the following options:


To include the sales prices on the report


To exclude sales prices on the report

Sale prices only

To print only those items within the specified range that have sales prices

If you enter Yes or Show sales prices, the Effective date field can be entered.

Effective date

The effective date for the sales prices to be printed are assigned by the system at the time you create the report. Items with sale prices that are in effect on that date are printed.

OK or Cancel

Select OK to print the report or Cancel to return to the menu.

Printing Warehouse Price Lists

This type of price list may be printed only if you specified in Control information that you are using multi-warehouse pricing.

The list shows only those items for which warehouse-specific prices are defined (using Item prices) and only those prices specifically defined for the designated warehouse. (To see all item prices for a single warehouse, print an Item price list for the desired warehouse.)

Select Warehouse prices for Price list type.

Graphical Mode

The fields to enter the warehouse prices list options are now available:

Character Mode

The following screen displays:

Enter the information as follows:


Enter the code of the warehouse for which you wish to print prices.


You may also use one of the options:


For the Central warehouse


For "All" warehouses

Starting item number and

Ending item number

Enter the range of item numbers for which warehouse prices are to be included on the list or press <F2> at each field for "First" and "Last". Follow the screen instructions.


Enter the vendor number to print items for only one vendor, or press <F5> to include items for "All" vendors.

Product category

Enter the category to print items for only one category, or press <F5> to include items for "All" categories.

Product sub-category

Enter the sub-category to print items for only one sub-category, or press <F5> to include items for "All" sub-categories.

Suppress blank lines

Check this box to eliminate blank lines between items on the list. Leave it unchecked if you wish one line to be skipped prior to printing each item.


Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is not. The default is unchecked.


Check this box

Printing Sale Price Lists

You may print a list that shows only sale prices for items, only sale prices for categories of items, or a list that shows both types of sale prices.

If you are using multi-warehouse pricing, you may also specify to print only sale prices for a specific warehouse, only sale prices that are not warehouse-specific, or all sale prices.

For each item sale price, the item number, description, sale price(s), and starting and ending sale dates are shown.

For each category sale price, the category, sub-category, discount percentage(s), and starting and ending sale dates are shown.

Select Sale pricesfor Price list type.

Graphical Mode

The fields to enter the sale price list options are now available:

Character Mode

The following screen displays:

Enter the following information:


This field can only be entered if you are using multi-warehouse pricing.

For Central warehouse, leave this field blank. For multiple warehouses, use one of the options:


Enter the warehouse code to print sale prices for a specific warehouse, or use one of the options:


For Item default sales price


For "All" sale prices


For the Central warehouse

If you enter a specific warehouse, only sale prices that are defined for that warehouse are printed.

If you press <F2> for Item default sale prices, only sale prices that do not pertain to a specific warehouse are printed.

If you press <F5> for "All" sale prices, both specific warehouse and item default sale prices are printed.

Starting item number and

Ending item number

Enter the range of item numbers for which sale prices are to be included on the list or press <F2> in each field for "First" and "Last". Follow the screen instructions.

Product category

Enter the category to print sale prices for only one category, or press <F5> to include sale prices for "All" categories.

Product sub-category

Enter the sub-category to print sale prices for only one sub-category, or press <F5> to include sale prices for "All" sub-categories.

Suppress blank lines

Check this box to eliminate blank lines between items and/or categories on the list. Unchecked this box if you wish one line to be skipped prior to printing each item or category.


Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is unchecked.


Check this box by selecting the space bar.

Starting effective date and

Ending effective date

Enter the range of dates during which a sale price must be in effect to be printed on the list or press <F2> in each field for "Earliest" and "Latest" effective dates.



Item sale prices

Check this box to include item sale prices, in addition to other prices for the items. Sale prices for items and categories within the ranges specified are shown.

Uncheck the box if you do not wish sale prices to print on the list. The Starting and Ending item number fields become grayed-out and cannot be entered.


Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is checked.


Press <Enter> to accept the default.

Category sale prices

Check this box to include category sale prices on the sale price list. Otherwise, answer uncheck it.

If you uncheck it, the Product category and Product sub-category fields are grayed-out and entry is not allowed.


Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is checked.


Press <Enter> to accept the default.

If any of the sale prices shown on the list are not active (in the I/C Control information), a warning message to that effect is printed at the bottom of the list.

Printing Contract Price Lists

You may print a Contract Price List that shows, for each customer specified, only contract prices for items, only contract prices for categories of items, or both types of contract prices.

For each item contract price, the item number, description, starting and ending contract dates, contract ID, use contract or lowest price value, and contract price(s) are shown.

For each category contract price, the category, sub-category, starting and ending contract dates, contract ID, use contract or lowest price value, price basis for the discount, and discount percentage(s) are shown.

Select Contract prices for Price list type.

Graphical Mode

The fields to enter the contract price list options are now available:

Character Mode

The following screen displays:

Enter the following information:

Starting item number and Ending item number

Enter the range of item numbers for which contract prices are to be included on the list or press <F2> at each field for "First" and "Last". Follow the screen instructions.


Up to 15 digits


Press <F2> and then press <Enter>.

Product category

Enter the category to print contract prices for only one category, or press <F5> to include All contract prices for "All" categories.


Up to five characters


Press <F5> for All categories.

Product sub-category

Enter the sub-category to print contract prices for only one sub-category, or press <F5> to include contract prices for "All" sub-categories.


Up to five characters


Press <F5> for all sub-categories.

Suppress blank lines

Check this box to eliminate blank lines between items and/or categories on the list. Uncheck the box if you wish one line to be skipped prior to printing each item or category.


Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is checked.


Press <Enter> to accept the default.

Starting effective date and

Ending effective date

Enter the range of dates during which a contract price must be in effect to be printed on the list or press <F2> at each field for Earliest and Latest effective dates. Follow the screen instructions.




Press <F2> for "Earliest" and "Latest".

Starting customer number and

Ending customer number

Enter the range of customer numbers for which contract prices are to be printed or press <F2> for First and Last customer numbers. Follow the screen instructions.


Press <F2> for "First" and "Last".

Page break on customer

Check this box to start a new page for each customer. Otherwise, answer uncheck it.


Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is unchecked.


Press <Enter> to accept the default.

Item contract prices

Check this box to include item contract prices on the contract price list. Otherwise, uncheck it.

If you uncheck it, the Starting item number and Ending item number fields are grayed-out and entry is not allowed.


Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is checked.


Press <F5>.

Category contract prices

Check this box to include category contract prices on the contract price list. Otherwise, uncheck this box.

If you unchecked this box, the Product category and Product sub-category fields are grayed-out and entry is not allowed.


Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is checked.


Press <Enter> to accept the default.

If any of the contract prices shown on the list are not active in the I/C Control information, a warning message to that effect is printed at the bottom of the list.

Printing Actual Customer Price Lists

A Customer Price List can be printed for a single customer or customer type. The list shows the actual prices that customer (or type of customer) would be charged on a specific date.

The item prices shown are calculated using the applicable price codes. Any contract prices and, optionally, sale prices in effect on the specified date are also shown. If you are using multi-warehouse pricing, you may also print the Customer Price List for a specific warehouse.

Select Actual customer prices for Price list type.

Graphical Mode

The fields to enter the actual customer price list options are now available:

Character Mode

The following screen displays:

If you are using multi-warehouse pricing, Warehouse displays as the last field.

Enter the following information:


This field appears only if you are using multi-warehouse pricing.


Enter the warehouse code to print prices for a specific warehouse, or use one of the options:


For the Central warehouse


For item default prices

If you enter a specific warehouse, prices defined for that warehouse are printed for applicable items. If a warehouse-specific price does not exist for an item, the Item price is shown. If you are also printing sale prices, sale prices defined for that warehouse are shown as well.

Starting item number and

Ending item number

Enter the range of item numbers to be included on the list or press <F2> at each field for "First" and "Last". Follow the screen instructions.


Up to 15 digits


Press <F2>


Enter the vendor number to print item prices for only one vendor, or press <F5> to include item prices for "All" vendors.


Up to six digits


Press <F5>.

Product category

Enter the category to print prices for only one category of items, press <F5> to include prices for "All" categories.


Up to five characters


Press <F5>.

Product sub-category

Enter the sub-category to print prices for only one sub-category of items press <F5> for "All" sub-categories.


Up to five characters


Press <F5>.

Print in order by

Specify the order in which to print the list.


Use one of the following options:

Item number

To print in order by item number


To print in order by description


To print in order by category


Select Item number

If you enter Category for the previous field, only then may you enter this field:

Page break on category

Check this box to start a new page for each category. Otherwise, uncheck it.


Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is unchecked.

Suppress blank lines

Check this box to eliminate blank lines between items on the list. Uncheck the box if you wish one line to be skipped prior to printing each item.


Check box where checked is yes and unchecked is no. The default is unchecked.


Check the box and then press <Enter>.

Show sale prices

Select Yes to show sale prices (for items or categories) and ending sale dates, in addition to other prices shown for the items.

Only sale prices that are in effect on the date specified for Effective date , and that are active (in I/C Control information) are printed.

Select No if you do not wish sale prices to print on the list.


Either Yes or No.


Select Yes

Effective date 

Enter the effective date for the prices to be printed. Contract prices (for items or categories) that are in effect on that date are printed on the list.

Only those contract prices that are active (in I/C Control information) are printed.




Press <Enter> to accept the System date.

Customer # or type

The entry of this field will determine if you can enter the Customer number or Customer type  field next.

Customer type 

Enter the customer type. You may select <F2> for by customer.


Up to five characters.


Press <F2>, and then press <Enter>.

Customer number

Enter the number of the customer for which the list is to be printed, or press <F2> to print the list for a customer type.


If you are using Accounts Receivables, you may also use one of this option:


To look up by customer name


Press <F1>

Customer name

If you selected <Enter> on the Customer number field, then you can enter or lookup the customer by name.


You may also use one of this option:


To look up by customer number


Press <F1>

If you specify Item default prices, the Item prices are printed for each item. If you are also printing sale prices, only sale prices that do not pertain to a specific warehouse are shown.