Picking Tickets

This chapter contains the following topic:

Printing Picking Tickets


Printing Picking Tickets

Use this selection to print picking tickets. A picking ticket is a list of items from an order or invoice, printed in order by item location code (bin or shelf location in the warehouse or stockroom). The ticket is used for gathering (picking) the items to be shipped.

The picking ticket data may also be exported to a file.

For the CSV export double quotes (") are used as a field delimiter. Do not use a double quote in any of the data being exported. It will cause the data to be exported to an incorrect field.

PBS Version 12.06 Layout Changes and Picking Ticket Exports

Starting with PBS version 12.06 the customer and ship-to name, address 1, address 2, city, state, zip and apply-to invoice fields were expanded when using either the CSV or TXT export. New fields were added including address 3, address 4 and county. You will need to take these changes into account when interfacing to your external system.

Select Picking tickets from the O/E menu.

Graphical Mode

Character Mode

Enter the following information:

Order type

Select the type of order for which to print picking tickets. The choices are:

Graphical Character Description


By Order



By Invoice



By Loan



By Rental

"All" N/A For printing picking tickets for "All" the above types of Orders, Invoices, Loans and Rental


You have the following option in both Graphical and Character modes:


Print picking tickets for "All" the form types of Orders, Invoices, Loans and Rental.


One letter from the drop down list. The default is Orders.


Select <Enter>

Form ID

Enter the Form ID for which to print picking tickets.


You may can one of the options:


For next Form ID


For previous Form ID


Up to five characters


Press <F1>

Starting order #
Ending order #

Enter the range of orders for which picking tickets are to be printed. Press <F2> for "First" and "Last"


Up to six digits


Press <F2> at both Starting and Ending order # fields

Starting ship date
Ending ship date

Enter the range of shipping dates.

The next two fields may only be entered if you are using multi-warehousing. In character mode, if you are not using multi-warehousing, the remaining screen fields are renumbered.


For "ASAP" at the first field. Second field is skipped


For "Earliest" and "Latest" at both fields




Press <F2> at both Starting and Ending ship date fields

Reprint tickets

If you wish to reprint picking tickets (that have already been printed), check this box.


Check box, where checked is yes and unchecked is no


Leave the box unchecked for no


This field, and the next, can only be entered if you are using multi-warehousing.

Enter a warehouse code to print picking tickets for a specific warehouse.

You may use the options:


To print picking tickets for "All" warehouses


For Central warehouse


Up to two characters


Press <F5> to select "All"

If serial numbers were entered for a serialized line item, they appear on the picking ticket under the line item. A blank space is also provided for writing each serial number that was not specified at the time the order was entered.

Similarly, if lot numbers were entered for a lot-controlled line item, they print under the line item along with their respective allocated quantities. Blank spaces are provided for writing additional lot numbers and quantities if the quantity to be shipped has not been fully allocated.

Warehouse order

Enter the order in which you wish to print.

If you entered a specific warehouse for the previous field or you are not using multiple warehouses, entry for this field is not allowed.


You may use one of the options:

Graphical Character Description
Print orders within warehouse


To print orders within warehouse

Print warehouses within orders


To print warehouses within orders


Drop down list with the two choices above


Select Print orders within warehouse

Line Order

Enter the code in which you wish to print items.


You may use one of the options:

Graphical Character Description
Print items in location code order


To print items in location order

Print items in sequence # order


To print items in sequence # order


Drop down list with the two choices above


Select Print items in location code order

Export file type

This field can only be entered if you opted to include it by checking the Activate and use picking ticket export field in O/E Control information.

Enter the code to determine which text file type will export. The file name that gets created is either DIOPIKxx.CSV (CSV file format) or DIOPIKxx.TXT (fixed length format) where xx indicates the PBS company. This file is overwritten each time you run the export.

The export file will contain a header line for each order and additional lines for each line item.

If you upgraded your data from a version before v12.06 see PBS Version 12.06 Layout Changes and Picking Ticket Exports.


You may use one of the options:

Graphical Character Description
.TXT file


To create a fixed length text file

.CSV file


To create a CSV (comma separated value) file

No export file


No file will be created


Drop down list with the choices above


Select No export file

Regardless of what you select here, a picking ticket printer must also be selected.

OK or Cancel

Make any changes or select the OK button to select a printer for printing the picking tickets or select Cancel to return to the menu.

If using the PDF Forms Designer technology select Windows printer. You can optionally select -PDF- or -PDFP-. All three printer types produce a PDF file. Windows printer and -PDFP- also print the form and data.